Noreen Humble


  • Prologues from premetaphrastic and metaphrastic versions of four Saints’ Lives: Matrona of Perge, Daniel the Stylite, Alipio the Stylite, and Euphemia; as well as one other metaphrastic prologue, that of Nicolaus.
  • Three Plutarchan prologues: Alexander, Demetrius, Pericles.

Introductory Studies

  • Kazhdan, Alexander. 2006. “Great Reader and Collector: Symeon Metaphrastes.” In A History of Byzantine literature (850-1000). Athens: National Hellenic Research Foundation: 231-247.
  • Høgel, Christian. 2002. “The Metaphrastic Texts: Style and Authority.” In Symeon Metaphrastes: Rewriting and Canonization. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculum: 135-149.
  • Duff, Timothy. 2011. “The Structure of the Plutarchan Book.” Classical Antiquity 30.2: 213-278 (especially pp. 216-242).